
Encyclopedia of Southern Italy – S

Smikrinas: An athlete of ancient Taras. He was victor in the stadion at the Olympian Games in 352 BC.

Smiriglio, Mariano: (b. 1561, in Palermo; d. 1636). Architect and painter.

Social War or Marsic War: [Lat. socii=allies], 91 B.C.-88 B.C., struggle brought on by demands of the Italian allies for the privileges of Roman citizenship. The allies had fought on the side of Rome and had helped establish Roman hegemony, but they did not have the rights of the Romans. Most Romans were greatly averse to sharing the citizenship, but Marcus Livius Drusus in 91 B.C. proposed laws granting it to the allies. He was murdered, and a coalition of the allies, chief among them the Marsi, arose in desperation, waged war against Rome, and planned an Italian federation. Led by Quintus Pompaedius Silo and Caius Papius Mutilus, they gained some success but could not overcome the power of Rome. The revolt died down only after Lucius Julius Caesar secured passage of a law (90 B.C.) granting citizenship to allies who had not joined the revolt and to those who laid down their arms immediately. The allies were divided, and the revolt ceased. Citizenship was soon given to all of them.

Sogliano Cavour (LE): A commune in the province of Lecce. Population: 4,146 (2006e).

Solarino (SR): A commune in the province of Siracusa.

Soleto (LE): A commune in the province of Lecce. Population: 5,551 (2006e).

Solimena, Francesco: (b. 1657, at Canale [AV]; d. 1747). Architect and painter.

Solofra (AV): A commune in the province of Avellino. Population: 12,061 (2006e).

Solopaca (BN): A commune in the province of Benevento. Population: 4,104 (2006e).

Somma Vesuviana (NA): A commune in the province of Napoli.

Sommatino (CL): A commune in the province of Caltanissetta. Population: 7,471 (2006e).

Sorbo San Basile (CZ): A commune in the province of Catanzaro. Population: 941 (2006e).

Sorbo Serpico (AV): A commune in the province of Avellino. Population: 567 (2006e).

Sporianello (VV): A commune in the province of Vibo Valentia.

Soriano Calabro (VV): A commune in the province of Vibo Valentia.

Sorrento(NA): A commune in the province of Napoli.

Sortino (SR): A commune in the province of Sirausa.

Sosistratos: Ruler of Akragas (r280 BC).

Soter, St.: Pope. (r c166-174/175).

Sottintendente: A provincial official in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The equivalent of a lieutenant governor, the Sottintendente, administered one of the 38 districts (distretti) into which the Regno was divided. The Sottintendente resided in the principal town of his district and acted as the assistant to the Intendente (provincial governor).

Soverato (CZ): A commune in the province of Catanzaro. Population: 9,750 (2006e).

Soveria Mannelli (CZ): A commune in the province of Catanzaro. Population: 3,284 (2006e).

Soveria Simeri (CZ): A commune in the province of Catanzaro. Population: 1,642 (2006e).

Sozzi, Olivio: (b. 1690, at Palermo; d. 1765). Painter.

Spada, Mario: fl. 1694. An architect from Ragusa in Sicily.

Spadafora (ME): A commune in the province of Messina.

Spadafora, Antonio: fl. 1585-1594. Painter from Palermo.

Spadafora, Giuseppe: fl. 16th century. An architect and sculptor from Palermo.

Spadetta, Almerindo: (d. April, 1894, Naples). Librettist.

Spadola (VV): A commune in the province of Vibo Valentia.

Spara, Hieronyma (La Spara): (b. Sicily; fl. 2nd half of the 17th century). Poisoner. A student of the infamous Tofana of Palermo, she established a faction of the Secret Poisoners society in Rome during the time of Pope Alexander VII. Her group consisted of several young women who successfully murdered their husbands using the dreaded Aqua Tofana poison.

Sparanise (CE): A commune in the province of Caserta. Population:  7,422 (2006e).

Specchia (LE): A commune in the province of Lecce. Population: 5,003 (2006e).

Sperlinga (EN): A commune in the province of Enna. Population: 923 (2006e).

Sperone (AV): A commune in the province of Avellino. Population: 3,475 (2006e).

Spezzano Albanese (CS): A commune in the province of Cosenza. Population: 7,182 (2006e).