Of the medieval remains, the most important is the rectangular Norman Castello founded by Count Roger I in 1070 upon the ruins of an earlier Saracen fortification. It includes a rectangular keep, modified in the 14th, 15th centuries (1640-56), and 19th centuries (1811). Rising to a height of about 36 m., the complex’s four wings are surrounded by defensive corner turrets. Housed within is the Museo Archeologico Etneo. Among the artifacts included here are pieces of pottery dating from the early Bronze Age. On the first two floors of the museum are collected prehistoric artifacts from the Stentinello and Castelluccio sites. On the 2nd floor are artifacts from Mendolito, including a hanging Ascos and a 6th century BC bronze figurine known as the “Il Banchettante.” A small Norman chapel (2nd floor) has an apse decorated with a fresco (relating the story of Countess Adelasia, granddaughter of Count Roger I [see below]) and contains a collection of coins from the ancient town. On the 3rd floor is a mediocre collection of paintings.
The Bellini Theater dates to 1846.
The most important religious monument is the Norman Chiesa Madre, or church of the Maria SS. Assunta, containing some good artworks in its Norman interior. It has three aisles divided by 16 basalt columns taken from an ancient Greek temple. In the N aisle is a 15th century painted crucifix, now in poor condition, and above the W door is a 16th century polyptych of the Messina School. The campanile, built in reinforced concrete, remained incomplete. The church underwent restoration during the 17th century. The transept is decorated by paintings of Zoppo di Ganci.
The church of S. Francesco contains a beautiful 17th century wooden crucifix created by Fra. Umile da Petralia.
The church of S. Agostino preserves a fine engraved marble altar.
Other religious monuments include the churches of SS. App. Filippo e Giacomo, Santa Lucia (founded 1156; rebuilt 1775), and Chiesa del Rosario (18th century), and the Dominican Convent (1596).
The Norman Countess Adelasia in 1157/8 founded the ex-monastery of Santa Lucia outside the town walls. The present building, dating from 1596, is now used as a school. A second restoration, which includes the façade, occurred in the 18th century. The high 3-storied twin-bell-towered façade of the church dates from 1775. The charming interior has an oval central area.
To the E of the town, in Contrada Cartalemi, are remains of a 4th century BC temple of Demeter and of the ancient Greek circuit walls.
In the district of Mendolito, to the NW of the center, are the remains of a Sikel town. Traces of its fortifications can still be seen. One of the most interesting finds here is a long, untranslated inscription in the Sikel tongue.
About 8 km. W of the center, near Cárcaci, is the 14th century Ponte dei Saraceni, a bridge over the river Simeto.
To the SW of Adrano, at the foot of a volcanic plateau on the river Simeto is Eurelios. Completed in 1982, it among the largest solar-energy complexes in Europe. It is a combined French-German-Italian enterprise consisting of 182 computer-controlled mirrors to collect solar rays.