Eleutherius: (fl. first part of the 7th century AD). Byzantine official. He became Exarch (patricius et cubicularis) of Ravenna in AD 616. Soon after his arrival he executed all those who were connected with the assassination of his predecessor John Limigius. He then set out to restore imperial authority in rebellious Naples. Marching south from Ravenna, he arrived in Rome where he received a warm welcome from Pope Deusdedit I (615-18). Continuing on to Naples, he defeated the local rebels and put the leader, John of Compsa, to death. Returning to Ravenna, he was able to enjoy a period of peace. In AD 620, however, Eleutherius decided to lead his own rebellion and set himself up as Emperor in Italy. The attempt, however, won little support and he was executed by his own soldiers. His head was cut off and sent as a trophy to the emperor in Constantinople. Like many important officials in the Byzantine government, Eleutherius was a eunuch.